How to Maintain Your Hair Extensions in Harsh Winter Colds

Well, who doesn’t love those breezy winter nights? Sure everyone does. But there’s more to it when it comes to going out during winter season with your fancy hair extensions. They mess up very quickly and eventually you get that harsh feeling all over your head making you scratch like a monkey.  But you need not to worry. We’ve got you all backed-up with our extensive guide to protecting your hair extensions from the wrath of winter season. With this guide, you can lock-in the beauty of your hair extension giving them the perfect manageable look and beauty as if it is newly bought. So, before your hair extension catches cold this winter season, have a quick look below at what you can do to protect them:

Cover Your Hair with a Scarf or Hat

Cover Your Hair with a Scarf or Hat

Now, this one’s quite obvious yet a precautionary measure often overlooked. You may have to compromise over your fancy open-air looks but a nice cozy scarf or hat could do wonders to protect your hair extensions during winter. This one little habit of yours would save you from regretting over. However, it is advisable to be very careful if you are wearing a scarf or any other accessory over your hair extension. Regardless of your choice or color, the scarf should have some comfortable space within too the extent that it does not get too air-tight and sticky. The blood circulation within your scalp is influenced badly if you wear a tight scarf. Moreover, your scarf shouldn’t be made up of wool or cotton. We recommend using a satin (silk) scarf for a quick and comfortable redo.

Do a Proper Wash-Up of Your Hair

Do a Proper Wash-Up of Your Hair

While you wash your hair extensions, extreme care and precaution is recommended to maintain their finishing. And despite of the cold winter season, it’s not a good idea to wash your hair with hot water. Hot is not good for your hair extensions. The consequences are going to be very worst if you even try washing your hair extensions with hot water. Moreover, you may end up damaging your natural scalp if you go with extreme temperatures.

Never Go Outdoors With Wet Hair

Never Go Outdoors With Wet Hair

It’s not just the winter seasons you’d bother caring about; this is the rule of the thumb for all seasons 365 days a year. However, this habit should be strictly discontinued during winter season. The idea is to dry your hair up properly with each strand carefully taken in your finger to make sure that the roots are completely dry. Wet hair is the worst enemy to your extensions. So make sure that you don’t skip this one for good!

The Right Brushing Tool – The Right Maintenance

The Right Brushing Tool – The Right Maintenance

Back in those days when advancements weren’t up to the mark, it was a difficult task to manage hair extensions. Tangling and hair shedding were the biggest problems faced by people who used hair extensions in that era. But now in today’s world, you’ve got yourself backed-up with a lot of hair accessories and brushing tools that could do a pretty nice job. We recommend using custom-designed loop brushes and combs to give you the perfect slick look you ever wanted this winter season.

Precaution: We recommend that you stay away from bristle brushes, especially during the winter season.

Here’s one tip: Take a nice and gentle grip of your hair roots by one hand to highlight your bonds. Use your other hand to gently brush starting from the end and moving all your way towards the scalp. Remember going down the lane to maintain the natural look of your hair. Doing this exercise 3 times a day would do the perfect trick!

Say ‘A BIG NO’ To Overheating

Say ‘A BIG NO’ To Overheating

Severe heat treatments and blow drying are deadliest rivals to your cute looking hair extensions. You may however do a quick dry up twice or thrice a day but of course with low heat density. The devilish heat dries up your scalp for good leaving harsh damages to your hair all the way long. As a result of which you will have to suffer from split ends. We recommend you to consult a reputed hair expert or dermatologist if you’re looking forward to a hair treatment (in the worst case scenario).

In conclusion, regardless of your hair type i.e.: curly, wavy, twists or straight, the every-day care would enhance the lifespan of your hair extensions together with preserving them in their purest form. It is advisable to apply moisture serum or soft gentle (omega-rich) oil massage to your hair scalp and leaving it overnight will do wonders. The point is to keeping your hair hydrated throughout the winter season for that dashing look you’ve been wanting all along!

Did we miss something? Do suggest us your own tested tips via the comments box below!

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