8 Plumbing Problems You cannot Ignore

A well-functioning plumbing system is a necessity in a home. When something goes wrong with your plumbing system, major home disasters can happen like flood, zero water supply, mold growth, and foundation damage. You can prevent all these from happening by paying close attention to the needs of your plumbing system.

Worse plumbing issues don’t just show all of a sudden. The problem could be sitting for days or weeks already without you noticing it. Well, if you don’t want to deal with expensive plumbing repair or restoration costs, you need to watch out for these 8 repair warning signs.

Dripping taps

Dripping taps or faucets are not only putting gallons of household water to waste, but it can also prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. Household leaks through dripping faucets can account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Bring back convenience in your home and help save water by getting your plumbing system professionally checked today. You could continue suffering from the high water bills if you neglect this plumbing problem.


Water leaks, regardless of how small, is a great cause for concern. Homeowners should not procrastinate when dealing with leak problems since it can easily escalate and cause greater damage to the plumbing system. Leaks in your underground pipes can also have a dangerous effect on your family’s health. According to a study conducted by engineers at the University of Sheffield, contaminants can enter pipes through leaks and be transported through the pipe network. The groundwater surrounding the pipe can get sucked in through a leak, and it can include bacteria and viruses.

Low water pressure

Imagine running late for work; you rush to the bathroom to freshen up but there’s that slow water flow that won’t let you finish your bath quickly. That is your plumbing system acting up, and before it gets any worse, you need to call a licensed plumber right away. The cause of low water pressure can only be identified by a pro. Doing plumbing fixes on your own in the hope that normal water flow will return is not safe for you and your plumbing system. Pipe replacements might be necessary to solve the problem.

Continuously running toilet

A toilet that is running non stop wastes a ton of water, which also means high water bills for you to pay. Internal leaks are usually the cause of running toilets. So, to fix the problem, internal parts in the tank must be examined. If you are not familiar with the variety of parts in a toilet, it is best to leave the job to the hands of professional plumbers. You could only be delaying the repair process with temporary fixes.

Malfunctioning water heater

Access to hot water is very important in a home. Hot water is essential for bathing, washing hands, and other household tasks. It is particularly in high demand during the cold winter months. To be able to enjoy your relaxing warm baths at any time of the day or week, make sure to take good care of your heating system. A faulty water heater has many potential causes, including poor plumbing installation, loose drain valve, or tank problems. Winter is fast approaching, so may want to get your water heater back to normal functioning before it’s too late.

Clogged drain

A clogged drain is a common household problem that involves health risks. When drains are clogged with food waste, it could lead to stagnant water collecting in your pipes. The musty odor of stagnant water creates an unhealthy atmosphere inside the home and could cause people to suffer from nausea and headaches.

While there are DIY tricks to clean a clogged drain like pouring baking soda or vinegar, it doesn’t always work. Regardless of the cause of your bathroom and kitchen drain clog, calling the help of pros will help you solve the problem in no time.

Broken water valves

Water valves are a crucial element of your home’s plumbing system. It directs or controls the flow of water. During plumbing emergencies, shutting off the main water valve can prevent water wastage and further damage to the system. If you are dealing with a broken water valve at home, hire a plumber to fix the problem right away.

Burst pipes

Frozen water, old age, clogs, excessive water pressure are four of the main causes of burst pipes. Depending on the location or size of pipe damage, a burst water pipe in your home can cause serious damage to your walls, floors, appliances, and furniture. Call an emergency plumbing service to make sure no further damage is inflicted on your plumbing system and home.

Never compromise when it comes to your home’s safety. After handling all the above plumbing problems, be sure to take effective measures that will prevent them from reoccurring. Hire a reputable plumbing company to help you manage and increase the efficiency of your plumbing system at home.

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