7 Psychological Tactics to Help Improve your Branding Strategies

Branding experts are so good at their jobs, that they often get customers to buy something they may not actually need. And that happens only because the advertisement was *that good*. To be able to do that, marketing experts also need to know psychology excellently. Understanding what makes people react and how to use psychological triggers in the correct way may help boost conversion rates and improve marketing outcomes.

Here are seven psychological tactics to help you improve branding strategies.


Reciprocity is a psychological concept that motivates us to return the favor. When someone offers us something, we feel obligated to reciprocate. It’s a powerful idea that ensures that society and companies remain human.

For example, any coffee shop that offers free refills is using reciprocity as a tactic. There is the promise of the future benefit, not giving away products, and that promise makes people want to buy the product in the first place.

The notion of reciprocity is also present in the entire concept of content marketing. When you maintain an active blog and regularly supply visitors with useful instructional content, they will feel driven to test your service or purchase your product.


Proving trustworthiness is something that people are compelled to do. They will do almost anything to gain trust and to show that their actions follow their words, to upkeep their reputation. However, commitment starts with small steps. One step at a time, to ensure that the goal will be fulfilled.

Most people tend to fulfil their commitment if and when they have shared it with other people, making it a known fact. Psychology says that mere peer pressure will drive people to uphold their goals.

In branding, this can be done by setting small, achievable goals, such as subscribing to a newsletter. The next step could be a monthly subscription to a part of your service for a small amount of money, and then offer a full subscription for a full price. If someone has already done the previous two steps, chances are they will be subscribing full time.

Social proof 

The concept of social proof, also known as social influence, is founded on the idea that people like following others’ actions. We have a tendency to adopt the ideas or conduct of people we respect and admire. Use the following strategies to incorporate this knowledge into your marketing strategy: User-generated content (UGC), testimonials, and feedback, the use of influencers, and sharing buttons and social plugins.

Once your customers see your product or service approved by others, they will immediately want to test it out themselves.

The social proof concept may be used in a number of different ways, including citing your customers, displaying star ratings on your website, and displaying the number of views on each blog post.

Information gap theory

People are naturally curious. If they notice a gap between what they want to know and what they already know, they react with a strong emotional response.

And, as a marketing specialist, you should use that in your favour, for your brand development. For that to work, you must spark your audience’s interest and provide them with material that satisfies their curiosity. Creating strong headlines is an excellent approach to include curiosity in your marketing.

Try to avoid clickbait, though, because many people do not appreciate being scammed. To generate genuine clicks, spark conversation and make people want to be a part of the story, provide content that will make potential customers want to become your full-time customers.

Grounded cognition

People can experience a story they read, see, or hear as if it were happening to them, according to Grounded Cognition theory. The theory also claims that people have a tendency for forgetting dry facts and numbers. You should intertwine your message into a story if you want your customers to remember it.

Personal stories are best for the audience to feel connected to the brand. It makes the brand feel friendly, and customers closer to your product or service. The more details you incorporate in your personal story, the better – the more people you will attract.

You can even incorporate any difficulties you may have encountered creating your brand. That way, you will show that neither you, nor your brand is perfect, and people tend to like better imperfections.

Paradox of choice

Giving people the freedom of choice can have a positive outcome on your marketing efforts. However, too many choices can leave a person feeling overwhelmed and confused, making them leave your website.

The choice should always be there, but it is your job to limit the choices the customer is presented with to three to four at a time.

A wider range of choices can also be presented, but you need to showcase them cleverly, not to scare off potential customers.

Loss aversion

The loss aversion theory describes people’s tendency for avoiding losses rather than achieving benefits. The negative emotions connected with loss are significantly stronger than the positive emotions associated with gain. If you research your customers, discover their concerns, then develop content that emphasizes the benefits of your brand that alleviate those fears, you may successfully utilize this idea to your advantage.

Being an excellent connoisseur of psychology can greatly influence your brand development. The more you are aware of the psychology of people, and their behaviour, the more successful you can become.

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