10 Ways You Can Earn and Build Backlinks Like a Pro

How often do you land up at a website that sells mandala colouring books from a blog that talks about beating stress with mandala paintings? Backlinks are cool ways to earn some exposure and increase your brand value over the web. Check out the power of backlinks below.

  • Did you know Google’s algorithm named PageRank uses the number of backlinks in a page to determine page quality?
  • Google spiders come across new pages through backlinks, helping your brand get noticed.
  • In fact, effective backlinking also leads to faster page indexing and improved rankings in a comparatively shorter period of time.

But not all of you may be aware of the many processes that help you earn backlinks for your website. Read on to know all about the 10 smartest tricks in the digital marketing book to earn and build backlinks like never before!

10 tips to get you backlinking like a pro


  1. Make use of infographics

If you have an infographic that has performed well in the past, then you can turn those into fantastic tools for earning backlinks. Repurpose the popular infographics for building verifiable backlinks with greater credibility. You will find plenty of infographic-making tools online if you are not well-versed with the technique. Pitch your infographic to websites that have run similar content to show how it can add value to their existing posts. That is the precise reason why your infographic needs to be on-point and relevant to the posts you wish to tie it up with for the backlinks.

  1. Make use of skyscraper content

Blogs, videos, articles, reports and all other forms of content that have performed really well on your website are the skyscraper content. One look at the performance metrics of your posts will help you identify which ones we are talking about here. Revamp the older and popular posts to get more social media engagement online. You can also create skyscraper content to promote it with increased zeal on your social media platforms. Using the skyscraper content as the anchor to get more backlinks is an excellent place to start for it also lets you hone your networking skills to the fullest.

  1. Use information on broken links

Broken links are quite common all over the web. Broken link-checking tools let you identify all broken links for any website that you visit. Did you know you could use them to get a backlink for your website?

How, you ask? Well, it really is pretty simple.

Report the broken links to the webmaster along with the location of the link and a screenshot to back it up. Ask or a backlink in the follow-up email, but do not push the matter too far. Since reporting broken links shows that you are responsible netizen, the chances of you getting a backlink are pretty high with this one.

  1. Go the guest-posting way

Sure, this one is a no-brainer. It not only provides opportunities to earn backlinks but also gives oodles of credibility for your brand. It is always best to choose websites with a higher ranking than yours so you can make use of their vast reader-base. However, patience is crucial when it comes to guest-posting, for not all websites are prompt in getting back to guest bloggers. But if your content is well-researched, then you will surely find a spot for the same on a reputed website.

  1. Call out outdated domains

Internet etiquette calls for alerting host websites when their domain names get outdated. Be on your guard whenever you spot announcements like any of the following.

  • Modified or altered operation names
  • Discontinued a service or product
  • Moved to a new domain location
  • Stopped offering updates on an existing service
  • Have gone belly up

Create a list of all sit mentions for such websites, especially the ones with high domain authority. Email all of them regarding the information you have uncovered and how they have been mentioning outdated domains on their posts. Usually, this establishes a stable network connection and lets you get a backlink off the heads-up.

  1. Brownie points with brand credibility

With a whole website to manage, you have got to have one area of expertise or the other. Whether it is custom designing cafe menus or offering swift packing-and-moving services, you can always cash in on your credibility to get more backlinks. Sign up for online interviews that can mention your website in exchange for an expert’s take on your domain. Once you become a familiar face on the Internet, there will be plenty of websites reaching out to you with backlinking deals.

  1. Get a backlink in return for another

Online SEO guide websites, technology trendsetters and every other niche still believe in the power of barter system. Whenever you are interacting with an influencer or fellow blogger in your chosen domain, pitch a follow for follow backlinking technique. Tap into the power of networking. Forward an assertive and cheerful email where you state the ground rules for the backlink exchange. You can also mention how you would like to reach out to their reader-base in exchange for a link and let them do the same.

  1. Testify and review for more backlinks

Product reviews, brand testimonials and service reviews online can also help you earn and build backlinks for your business. Most services and products are quite keen on offering backlinks for the websites that run or create a product or review so that they can cash in on the new reader-base to rake in more revenue. You can begin by choosing a list of websites according to their SEO metrics. Write a positive testimonial for their website in exchange for a backlink in the content or as part of your brand name.

  1. Ultimate guides to go for winning backlinks

Do you have the perfect pet grooming tips up your sleeve? Are digital marketing and successful SEO campaigns your forte? Explore your inner talents and come out with the best ultimate guides in your niche. Once the guide becomes popular, websites in your niche would love to feature the same with their content that deals with similar topics. Once the backlink requests come pouring in, all the effort in putting together the ultimate guide will be worth it.

  1. Turn brand mentions into backlinks

Brand mentions can help in bringing more backlinks as well. Search for all mentions of your brand name by others on the Internet. You can rely on good ol’ Google for this task, for it will bring the fastest and most reliable results. Create a shortlist of all those sites and posts where they have not linked back your brand mentions. All you have to do is to send a nicely-worded email to acknowledge the mention and ask for a link back to your site. Since brand mentions are a sure-fire technique of showing they are impressed with your work, most sites would be glad to give you a backlink through the same.

Summing it up

From exploring your designing skills to knowing how to call out broken links, you will get to try your hand at quite a few digital marketing processes through your backlinking efforts. On top of all that, you also get high-value backlinks that help your website get better rankings. Try the 10 tricks for backlinking shared in this post and see which ones work out best for your specific business needs. Whether you run a pet salon or offer investment advice, know how to backlink like a pro, and there will be no looking back!

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