Five Frequently Asked Questions about Heat Pumping Solutions

Replacing a faulty air conditioning unit is hard on the pocket. From its installation to energy efficiency, everything costs a lot more than the amount you’ve initially expected. Before you go ahead and make the expensive deal with an air conditioner company, we suggest that you take a look at the best alternative; a heat pump solution.

What makes heat pumps ideal for you?

A heat pump is the energy efficient variant of an air conditioner that also happens to provide heat as a furnace. Research by reveals that a heat pump supplies about thrice the amount of heat energy as opposed to the electricity it consumes. But how are heat pumps so useful and why are they ideal for you? These questions urge you to dig a little deeper about the goodness this unit brings to your life. This article has been carefully curated to inform you about everything you need to know. From how the pumps work to why they’re the perfect match for your southern homes, we’ll take you through each step. So stick around and read along to find out more about the subject.

How do heat pumps work?

Just like an air conditioner cools your home a heat pump is capable of working in reverse. In other words, a heat pump can heat your home in winter and also cool it down in the summer. Basically, it’s a two in one deal or call it a buy one get one free offer on HVAC.
Mechanically, a heat pump works similar to an air conditioner. Like we mentioned before that the heat pumping unit works as a furnace but it is fundamentally different in the way it works. The pump generates heat by using a reverse valve to absorb heat from the outdoors and pump it back inside your house. Because no fossil fuels are burnt in the process, this is a very energy efficient solution that is green too!

What is the best place for the installation of heat pumps?

Heat pumps are compatible with almost every location except for places that experience subfreezing temperatures for extended periods of time. Due to longer running of the heat pump in said areas they do not remain as cost effective as they work for southern regions like Atlanta. The classification of lands that fall in the humid subtropical climate such as Georgia experience the contrast of mild to cool winters and humid summers. Since the weather is not cold enough to cause problems in heating up your home, a heat pump is the perfect solution for you!

High humidity in cold weathers is not the ideal weather condition for heat pumps. When the outdoor temperatures drop below freezing the outdoor coil of your heat pump is already 20 degrees colder. This means that if the temperature is 40 degrees your coil would be at 22 degrees. Adding the condensation of dew points in the scenario makes frosting on the coil another inescapable challenge.

A little frost on a heat pump is absolutely normal. However, if the ice covers the system and fails to defrost within the first few hours, it is natural to assume that the defrost functionality has issues. The risk begins when the weather conditions worsen due to extreme drops in temperature and freezing rain. If your heat pump freezes up and fails to defrost you must call in a professional as soon as possible. Thawing of ice and other maintenance checks will help your heat pump give longer years of service.

Can the heat pump replace the furnace?

You can still have a running furnace after the installation of a heat pump. It is a convenient solution for the time when temperatures drop unexpectedly. If the weather gets harsh enough to be in the subfreezing zone a furnace can help you heat your house until the cold weather passes.

Because a heat pump uses energy to move heat around the house instead of creating it, the consumption of electricity or gas is reduced to the minimum. According to the department of Energy of the United States, individuals save up to $300 yearly by switching from an electric furnace to a heat pump.If your air conditioner has come to its age of retirement, the replacement becomes even easier for you! A single installation will suffice for your heating and cooling troubles.

Should I really get a heat pump?

Getting a heat pump or not is a common question for home owners. Due to rebates offered on energy efficient home renovations, people are consciously choosing the green solution. Whether you want to install a heat pump or not, this choice is all up to you. We have provided you sufficient information about heat pump solution to help you make an informed decision while upgrading the HVAC system at your house/office. We want our readers to save as much money as possible while making the right decision.

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