Creating and publishing useful content on your website is one of the most effective white-label methods for getting quality backlinks. Quality links are those links that lead from an authoritative thematic source with live traffic. They provide the website with a successful ranking and a large influx of visitors.
In this article, we will share content creation strategies that will allow you to earn quality backlinks naturally.
1. Create valuable viral content
The degree of virality of content is determined by its popularity and the speed of distribution on thematic resources and social networks. By creating viral content, you provide massive, and most importantly, natural seeding of publications.
2. Arrange interviews with experts in your industry
Articles based on the opinions and experience of Australian experts have significant credibility and arouse keen interest from the audience. You don’t need journalism skills to create quality interview material. It is only necessary to prepare in advance interesting and non-standard questions that will fully reveal the topic.
If you have no previous experience in interviews, consider the following guidelines:
- Choose an interesting and relevant topic and indicate what kind of information you want to receive from the speaker.
- Prepare your questions carefully. A competent and correctly posed question is half the answer. Try to avoid:
closed questions: it is important for you to “pull out” as much information as possible, not being limited to unambiguous “yes” or “no”; if these questions are difficult to avoid, add “Why?” at the end;
questions that the speaker answered in previous interviews;
questions that can lead the other person to a standstill and embarrass both of you.
- Arrange the questions in a logical sequence.
After a successful interview, you can safely start writing an article. Having finished working on the text, do not rush to give it for publication – it is imperative to coordinate the final version with the speaker. So that the edits do not become something unexpected for you, keep in mind that the respondent has the right to:
edit text;
correct your own phrases (if they were mistaken or misinterpreted);
supplement your answers (within reasonable limits);
change outdated information to current information.
3. Create useful and illustrative infographics
Visual content is an effective tool for grabbing audience attention and is gaining popularity among content marketers.
Among other things, such content contributes to higher conversions and increased search traffic. A great example of good visual content is to make professional corporate photography in Australia.
Another way to visualise information and make it easier for the user is to create infographics. It allows you to combine text, images and various data in the form of charts, graphs and schematic illustrations that group and present information in a compact and convenient way.
As practice shows, people share infographics much more often than textual content.
If you search for “infographic” in Google Trends, you can see how the dynamics of its popularity is growing from year to year.
If you’re unsure of where to start creating infographics, check out these guidelines:
Pick a theme for your infographic and gather the information you need. It could be statistics, research data, whatever. Try to supplement it with reliable facts, figures and data.
Choose carefully and leave only the most important.
Consider a visual presentation. Ideally, the infographics are handled by an experienced illustrator who can develop and use a unique style.
After you get all the information and get an idea of what your infographic will look like, move on to creating it. If you do not have the opportunity to turn to a designer to create infographics, do not despair: fortunately, there are many free services that allow you to create infographics even without the skills of working in professional graphics editors such as, Adobe Photoshop or Coral Draw.
4. Do your own research
The data obtained during the research can serve as the basis for the creation of original content. The main thing is to choose the topic and purpose of the study, as well as find the right tool that will help collect the necessary data.
You can choose any indicator in your niche as an object of analysis. The main thing is to collect the data correctly.
5. Create content with other companies
Collaborative content is a way to combine your expertise with others and reap the following benefits:
- expanding the audience;
- increasing brand awareness;
- potential for getting backlinks;
- generation of additional leads;
- saving time and resources for creating material.
The process of preparing for cooperation takes place in several stages:
- Search for specialist partners in your field.
- Sending an offer.
- Discussion of mutually beneficial terms of cooperation.
- Collaboration on the material.
- Proofreading, approval of edits and editing.
- Publication.
Interesting and high-quality content contributes to the placement of backlinks to the site in a natural way – when it is distributed by users themselves on other sites and in social networks. To create this kind of content, you can use the following 5 tactics:
- write valuable viral content;
- conduct interviews with experts;
- create useful and illustrative infographics;
- conduct your own research;
- cooperate with other companies.