Got Allergies? Here’s How To Make Your Home More Comfortable

Allergies – even though we try to get rid off them, we still get them and they simply make everything irritating. The sneezing, coughing, reactions – it just makes any normal situation worse. And when it comes to cleaning the home or making it a more comfortable space, the things become even more tedious since it is the time to get the hands literally ‘dirty’ – which means you would have to go near dust! So unless you are going to allow the allergies to accumulate at an accelerated pace, you need to know somethings before cleaning your home. Before you even try getting the dust and the dirt away, we would like you to go through some important tips and procedural points which you can keeping mind to ensure proper cleaning.

Cleaning tips that you can follow

  1. Follow a cleaning schedule for the best results. When you follow a cleaning schedule, you are bound to get a habit out of it. When you make it a habit, the cleaning procedure somewhere does not feel like a burden anymore. It would feel like a necessity and you would be able to make the required efforts for the same. After all, cleaning and dusting is what is going to make the place better for you.

  2. Whenever you start to clean the house, make sure that you have a dust mask or dirt mask on for filtering the air around. When you are cleaning or dusting,you are surely going to get the dirt or dust flying everywhere. And since you are allergic, there is a good chance that you might end up being a victim of a sneezing fit, coughing or itchy eyes once again. Wearing the protective mask for filtering the air around will keep you safe and going.

  3. Vacuum on regular intervals, if possible every two or three days. Vacuuming might just take a lot of time if is done right but here is the biggest advantage – it is perhaps the only procedure which will make sure that 70% of the free dirt or dust particles get absorbed so that you can breathe a clean and fresh air. Whether you are cleaning the sofa, the couch or the furniture and floor – just make sure that you have cleaned it thoroughly with the vacuum cleaner. Doing this regularly will make sure that there is no accumulation of allergy causing agents.

  4. Wash beddings every week. Ah! The washing too is a part of the cleaning. Not just the beddings, we recommend that if you are going to wash beddings, the curtains too be cleaned on a  regular basis. Curtains near the windows are often prone to dust and dirt. Thus to be on the safer side, we always recommend that the curtains and beddings be washed together on a regular basis. Just a quick tip -do not remove the beddings or the curtains or dust them without a mask on your nose and mouth.

Following these cleaning tips might not be that easy after all. But after following them, you can be sure that your space will be more comfortable. However, the regular cleaning would not do much good if you do not bring about a few important changes in the daily routine or in your space. Here are a few changes that may help a lot –

The changes you need to bring in the routine

  1. Removal of carpets – If you have any carpets, the best would be to get rid off them. If you are someone who is tormented by allergies or have someone suffering from allergies in the house, it is always better to have a tile floor which is not going to accumulate dust or dirt over a shirt span of time.

  2. Installing air purifier – Getting an air purifier can also be very helpful. It is kind of perfect for people with allergies as it helps in the purification of the air without any hassle, giving back fresh and purified air to breathe for everyone in the house.

  3. Removing footwear outside apartment or home – Ensure that the footwear is removed outside the space or the house. This makes sure that no guest and not even you can bring inside the dust or dirt through their shoes. Goodbye sand and unwanted dirt!

  4. Prevent bathroom dampening or moisture – And lastly, control the bathroom moisture or prevent the dampening. The moulds there could cause some serious issues for individuals with allergies.

With both the routine changes and the cleaning tips at hands, you can be sure that your space would now be a tad different and more comfortable, even if you are suffering from the allergies.

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