How to Improve Sleep Quality
  1. Make a Good Night’s Rest a Priority

It is crucial to make a good night’s rest a priority. Do not just set your alarm to wake you up in the morning. You should also set an alarm to remind you to go to bed.

  1. Create a Sleep Routine

If you cannot fall asleep quickly or stay asleep through the night, you may need to create a sleep routine and do something relaxing before going to bed. You can take a warm bath, listen to calming music, read, or meditate before your bedtime. A sleep routine helps your brain to release sleep hormones just before your bedtime.

  1. Switch Off Your Devices

Do not use your devices, such as TVs, computers, tablets, and phones, before bedtime. The screens of these devices emit blue light. The light suppresses melatonin. Melatonin helps you to sleep. If you use your devices, you are more likely to stake awake. Do not keep your electronic devices in your bedroom. If you have your phone in your bedroom, you may check your social media profiles or email.

  1. Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can help you fall asleep quickly. You do not have to do strenuous exercises. You can just walk outside during the day. Why? The sunlight can help you get a good night’s rest. Do not, however, exercise late in the evening. If you exercise just before your bedtime, you will be more alert.

  1. Do Not Eat a Large Meal Before Bedtime

Our brains run our digestive systems. Your digestive system is more likely to take a couple of hours to process your food. It is, therefore, best to avoid taking a large meal before your bedtime. The brain will not settle down if the digestive system has not settled down.

  1. Reduce Your Caffeine and Alcohol Intake

If you love drinking coffee, then you should drink your coffee in the morning. It is even advisable for some people to avoid drinking chocolate. Some people believe alcohol can help them fall asleep. However, if you drink alcohol in the evening, you will not get a good night’s sleep.

  1. Make Your Bedroom Comfortable

Some people can fall asleep in many places. It is, however, difficult for some people to fall asleep in some places, such as a cold, warm, or noisy bedroom. It is best to make your bedroom comfortable. You can use blackout curtains to darken your bedroom. Is your neighborhood noisy? You can use white noise, a fan, or earplugs to block out sounds. You bedroom should be cool and Eight Sleep’s cooling system will help you to keep cool as you sleep. 

  1. Do Not Rely on Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills can help you fall asleep. However, drugged sleep is not good for your body since it lacks natural sleep cycles. You can take sleeping pills for a short time. It is, however, imperative to talk to a healthcare professional before taking sleeping pills.

  1. Talk to a Sleep Specialist

Visit a sleep specialist to evaluate your sleep problems. Sleep specialists diagnose and treat multiple sleep problems, such as sleep apnea, snoring, middle-of-the-night wakefulness, insomnia, and more. Sleep apnea can interrupt your breathing while you are sleeping.

  1. Do Not Ignore Your Sleep Problems

If you are getting old, you are more likely to ignore your sleep problems. According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep patterns change with age. However, underlying medical conditions, like incontinence, an anxiety disorder, and arthritis, can cause wakefulness and insomnia. If you manage these conditions, you can improve your sleep quality. Ask your pharmacist or doctor to review your medications. This is because your medications may disrupt your sleep.

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