How You Can Spy on a Phone Freely without Installing Software

Phone spying software has taken the online world by storm. From numerous companies making claims about remote cell phone spying to a plethora of options you have, there’s much to talk about when it comes to phone spying software.

The sudden buzz about this topic is bound to make you wonder about the need for these in the first place. After all, you’ve grown up hearing about how crucial personal freedom is for everyone. So why is that this personal freedom’s being hampered by the use of such remote spying software?

Phone spying software can come in handy if you own a company and have the vision of making it a safe space for your employees. Or perhaps you’re a parent who’s deeply concerned about the rising instances of cyberbullying and want to ensure your child’s safety. Know that you’re not alone or wrong in your search for an effective cell phone spying software!

spying software

The Need for Cell Phone Spying Software

As someone who’s well-versed with the online world, you’re probably no stranger to remote cell phone spying software. You must have stumbled upon this groundbreaking spying software while browsing through the internet or heard about them from a friend.

For Monitoring Your Kids’ Activities: Let’s paint a scenario. Imagine you’re a parent to two high school kids. And just like every other kid, your kids also have cell phones. Your kids get the good grades, are at the top of their class and stay away from drugs.

But you can’t still help being worried about them! Because everywhere you look, you’re surrounded by the cautionary tales of cyberbullying, human trafficking, or worse. As a parent, it makes sense for you to monitor your child’s phone closely with the help of cell phone spying software. This way, you’ll be able to protect your kids from the clutches of misfortune before it even befalls them.

To Keep Tabs On Your Employees: As an employer, you have to bear the burden of both, running a successful business and providing a safe space for your employees. After all, your business can’t only be a money-churning machine! Instead, you have to take proper care to ensure that your employees are happy. And one way to provide a safe environment is through the close monitoring of employees.

Wondering why’s that necessary? Workplaces can easily become places where sexual harassment takes place. It’s highly possible that your employees might engage in inappropriate behavior while at work through on office PCs or their work phone. With the help of remote spying software, you can make your office a safe space for employees irrespective of their gender, race, and sexuality.

How Legit Cell Phone Spying Software Actually Work

So you’re interested in monitoring either your kids’ or employees’ phones. However, you can’t help but be confused about how these phone spying software work.

For instance, how can you monitor these activities without even installing the software on the phone in the first place? Your concerns are quite valid. Remote installation of spying software isn’t even possible, but is often times used to dupe individuals into buying that software.

Therefore, keep in mind that all cell phone tracking software require you to grant them access to the target device one way or the other. There’s no way that you can hope to get complete access to a person’s cell phone, without even getting it in your hands in the first place! So if you’re looking to purchase spying software, make sure you know how they work.

For iOS Devices: The great thing about iOS devices is that you can install spying software on it without sneakily trying to slip the phone away. But you might say, hold on for a second! Didn’t you just claim that remote spying is practically impossible?

It is! But if you have the Apple ID and password, you can easily enter it into the software on your laptop to retrieve data. This way you get your hands all useful information to keep your kids or office safe from predators.

For Android Devices: If you’re working with Android phones you might find this process to be a bit complicated. Android phones require physical access for the spying software to work. Make sure you don’t fall for any fraudulent claims of zero physical access for installing spying software on Android phones.

Any legit spying software will require you to provide some form of physical access to the target device. This means you’ll either be required to email or text the link provided by the software to your kids’ or employees’ work phone.

In a nutshell, stay away from companies offering total remote spying software. Because not only is this impossible, but it’s also a waste of your time and money.

Activities That Cell Phone Spying Softwares Can Help Track

As a company head or a parent, your concerns are valid. After all, the onus of ensuring the safety of your kids and employees lies on you. Therefore, if you’re thinking about purchasing such software for home or office use, it’s best to be aware of what it entails. This way you’ll be able to get a clear idea of what to expect from the service before making an important purchase.

Reliable cell phone spying software should be able to track the following activities:

All Forms of Text Messages: You should be able to gain access to text messages and iMessages on the target phones. This way you’ll be able to clamp down on any problematic activity before it snowballs into something bigger and nastier.

All Social Media Apps: A good cell phone spying software will let you monitor social media platforms easily. This makes it easier for you to track any problematic and predatory behavior.

GPS Location in Real Time: As a parent your fears about your child’s security aren’t unwarranted. However, with the help of cell phone spying software, you’re able to monitor your child’s activities effectively at all times.

Videos and Photos Received and Taken: Bullying and harassment on social media are rampant. But with the help of cell phone spying software, you’ll be able to monitor if inappropriate or hurtful content is being shared with your kids or among employees.

About the Author

The author is a writer and employee at PhoneSpector and advocates actively for safe spaces at work and at school.

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