Top 10 Plants for Your Bedroom to Help You Sleep Better

Getting a good night’s sleep will provide you with several benefits. You are more alert and focused throughout the day and have more energy when you get a restful night’s sleep. An easy way to get a better quality of sleep is filling your home with beautiful plants along with flowers. They will bring a living and natural space to your bedroom and have fantastic purifying and relaxing advantages– which in turn can enhance a healthy sleeping pattern. Stress and anxiety often cause insomnia issues. Thus, it is best to fill your bedroom and home with plants that contain a calming effect. This article is going to reveal you the top 10 plants to help you sleep better. Scroll down!

  1. Peace Lily

Peace Lily is one of NASA’s superstar plants, which helps to get rid of toxic benzene, formaldehyde toxins, and trichloroethylene. The plant can increase a room’s humidity by up to five percent. Increased humidity is useful for breathing while asleep. Low humidity can lead to static electricity, dry hair and skin, increased susceptibility to respiratory diseases and can allow germs and viruses to thrive. Peace lily also has beautiful white flowers. Weekly watering and an excellent shady position are all the Peace Lilies need.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is said to be one of the easiest plants to grow and maintain. It is beneficial for improving the air in your bedroom because it releases oxygen at night. This plant needs minimal watering since it retains moisture within its leaves. Apart from that, the gel from its leaves is useful for treating minor cuts and burns, dry skin, and insect bites. Thus, it is a good plant to have around your house. Keep it in a sunny place to make sure it stays healthy.

  1. Jasmine

Jasmine plants are very nice and have white, small flowers. The plants contain a gentle, soothing impact on your body and mind. They offer a sweet scent that is associated with reduced anxiety levels and improves sleep quality as well. They are not difficult to keep because they’ll live well in a pot, which makes them one of the ideal plants for your bedroom spaces. Place a Jasmine plant on the windowsill and regularly water it during flowering periods.

  1. Snake Plant

Snake plant or ‘Mother-in-Law’s Tongue’ is a great natural air purifier. It helps to emit oxygen at night while taking in carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is something we naturally release when breathing.  As a result, this will improve the air around you, and hence you will have a better night’s sleep. Along with that, this plant is effective at getting rid of some harmful chemicals such as trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, and benzene. You can find formaldehyde in hairspray. This harmful chemical can lead to respiratory issues, so Snake plant is an excellent plant to have in your bedroom.

  1. Lavender

When it comes to decreasing anxiety levels and inducing sleep, Lavender is probably the most famous of all plants. Lavender scents are shown to reduce heart rate, decrease blood pressure and stress levels. According to a study, the smell of lavender can help reduce crying in babies, which in turn sends them into a deeper sleep while lowering stress in the mother. Lavender has been indicated to lower rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and increase light sleep in women. The lavender plant likes sunlight and warmth, so make sure to place it on water sparingly and a sunny windowsill.

  1. Chamomile

Chamomile is a popular medicinal herb. The dried flowers of the herb contain flavonoids and terpenoids that give it its medicinal agents. The herb is often used to battle various diseases including insomnia. Chamomile can be beneficial for calming nerves, reducing anxiety, and treating nightmares and other sleep problems when it is given as an aqueous extract. Besides, it can help people sleep when used as aromatherapy and prepared as a tea.

  1. Valerian

A valerian plant is a flowering plant with white or pink flowers. This plant is rapidly gaining popularity because it comes with many advantages. It has been used since ancient Greek and Roman times as herbal medicine. It may help with anxiety, nervous disorders, insomnia, and improve heart health. Inhaling the scent of valerian root can help to induce sleep and enhance your quality of sleep. If you are struggling to sleep, you take a sniff or add several petals to your bath before going to sleep. You need to keep this plant on a sunny window sill because it needs about six hours of sun per day.

  1. Gardenia

Gardenias have a beautiful scent and white blooms. Besides, they can have a noteworthy sedative impact on people who inhale their fragrance. According to a study 2010, gardenia was as useful as valium in helping your brain and body to relax. Instead of taking sleeping pills, you can place a gardenia plant on your bedside table to promote relaxation in your bedroom.

  1. Gerbera Daisies

With pink, orange, white and yellow, Gerbera Daisies should be a great addition to any room. They produce oxygen at night, which will help you breathe easier while you snooze. These daisies are an ideal choice if you suffer from allergies or apnea. Gerbera Daisies are vulnerable to fungal diseases, so they need extra special attention, especially light levels and watering.

  1. Sage

Sage plant has been used for its favor and medicinal properties for hundreds of years. Sage is commonly used in meals, teas, and essential oils. The plant is known to improve the overall health of your body and prevent inflammatory problems, cognitive diseases, skin conditions, digestive issues, and many more. It additionally works as a sedative that helps you to fall asleep more quickly. Sage requires lots of light, so place it next to a sunny window. Water it as needed.

Which plants do you put in your bedroom? Do you know other plants to help sleep better? Let us and other readers know by leaving a comment in the box below!

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