5 Tips for Healthy Eating during Pregnancy

The period of pregnancy calls for increased consumption of nutrients. It is more important since your baby gets most of its nutrients from what you eat. However, many women don’t get enough nutrients and are not aware of what to eat. We have compiled a list of what you should be eating as a pregnant woman to stay healthy for you and your unborn child.


As the first meal of the day, breakfast should contain enriched proteins and fibers. A healthy breakfast is a great way to get nutrients for you as well as your child. We all know how difficult days like these can be, but your unborn child still requires nutrients. You may consider drinking fruit juices and taking supplements to beat morning sickness. Make sure you fill your plate with proteins, fiber, veggies and fruits. Take your morning supplements seriously. They are prescribed for a reason.

Drink Water

Keep hydrated by drinking at least 8-9Litres of water every day, as this prevents constipation and decreases the risk of UTI. When you do not consume enough water, this may cause dehydration, which may lower the baby’s amniotic fluid at birth, affecting their development and increasing the chance of preterm labor. Further, dehydration can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which may adversely affect your baby’s health and development.

Consume foods rich in water content such as watermelon, berries, cucumber, yogurt, lettuce, cantaloupe, etc.,

In addition, the hot weather can make drinking enough fluids difficult. Make sure that you and your baby receive enough fluids to stay hydrated.


You may want to consume the following nutrients daily.

Fruits and Veggies

  1. Consume plenty of fruit and vegetables to obtain vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which aids digestion and reduces constipation.
  2. Consume at least four types of fruits and vegetables per day, whether they are fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced.
  3. Wash them thoroughly.

To get the most from vegetables, you can either lightly steam them with a little water or eat them raw but well washed.


Among the many benefits of starchy foods are their vitamin and fiber content. You may include bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, noodles, maize, millet, oats, sweet potatoes, yams and cornmeal. It is important to include these foods in every meal.

You can moderate your carb intake by spreading it out over the day to help maintain blood glucose levels, as excessive amounts can have negative consequences for both you and your baby.


A baby needs protein to grow. Protein can be found in meat, poultry, eggs, beans, lentils and nuts. Make sure you eat protein every day. You may opt for lean meat and remove the skin from poultry when you cook it. Avoid consuming seafood as it may contain mercury. Further, you might consider organic clothes for your baby to eliminate mercury and other toxins.

Dairy Products

You may want to include at least 2.5 servings of milk, cheese or yogurt every day to ensure adequate calcium intake for you and your baby. However, fresh cheeses like cottage cheese and ricotta should only be eaten when they are cooked and hot.

Other essentials:

  • Maintaining physical health is as important as eating healthy foods. You may consider going for small walks and helping your partner with minimal chores.
  • Getting enough sleep and taking regular naps may lift your mood.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol as it can negatively affect your baby.
  • Try to calm yourself so that the baby does not become distressed. You may want to do the things that most interest you. Go shopping if that’s your forte, and welcome your bub with baby sets.

Your hormones are on the rise, and you may require more mental support during this period. You may want to seek assistance from your family members and partner.

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