If you have recently bought a circulator or plan on buying one or even deciding what you should cook first, we assure you have come to the right place. It can be slightly overwhelming. Luckily, we all do a good amount of sous-vide with these parts and having a good handle on what you should sous vide and what you should not. If you happen to be completely new to the method of cooking, you should check out the latest primers, we can explain you on how it works, all the pros and cons of this hot tub will help you. Once you have a small grasp on what sous vide is about, you will be ready to cook, there are many suggestions you can try. We have compiled a small list you can take a look at.
One of the best and healthiest things you can always have ready at hand is some healthy yogurt. You could eat it for breakfast with some fruit or make a snack out of it, such as lassis. Some of you who have many guests coming over very often can make them a nice glass of buttermilk or lassis with the help of sous vide. Some also believe that yogurt is one of the best ingredients you can use while preparing a chicken or lamb dish. Cooking some yogurt sous vide is a lot easier than you can imagine. If you like the stuff, you can do it yourself and make it at home.
You could get a few lovely Yukon Golds or even some rainbow colored fingerlings and we are sure it will work perfectly. When you sous vide some potatoes, they will come out creamy and tender. If you really like potatoes, it could within the new jane. You could eat them right on the pouch itself or you could simply throw them within a hot skillet or maybe even make potato crisps out of them. Sous vide potatoes always turn out delicious. So you can certainly give them a shot. However, do remember one thing about sous vides. You will require a good vacuum sealer for all of the recipes.
A classic dish you can cook in sous vide is a steak. It is probably the biggest and first reason why you wanted to pick it up in the first place itself. When you choose to sous vide some steak, you could end up getting the most perfectly cooked piece of meat and that is probably what will help you get through. Instead of cooking with the help of grayish edges, you could get a nice steak that is a good shade of pink all the way. Once it’s out within the pouch, you can go and give it a searing and believe it or not, it will work out perfectly.
You could get some nice and delicious sous to vide chicken breasts all the time. With sous vide, you don’t have to worry about dry chicken or even rubbery chicken anymore. However, make sure the sous vide temp and time have been dialed and you will have the best chicken breasts every single time. There is a nice range of temperature we would suggest you to cook within, depending on the preference between 138 to 145 degrees. A lot of people also want it somewhere in the middle. Once you have done it, you could eat it within a bag.
Purees are something a lot of people prefer to cook in advance and if you are one of them, sous vide could be a great starting point. When you know you have to heat them again, it can be warmed easily with the help of sous vide on the stove, which at times heats at various uneven moments. This scorches the puree right towards the bottom while many of them simply warm near the surface. It takes approximately 2 hours to cook the puree.
Other vegetables you can sous vide
So, apart from potatoes, there are approximately two veggies that could sous vide and they happen to be quite good. Carrots, for example, are great. You could easily cook them at 183 degrees F and we have no doubt you will love it. Even asparagus is good when it is cooked for approximately 12 minutes at 185 Fahrenheit and the tender-crisp asparagus cooks wonderfully almost all the time.
One of the best ways to prepare sauces is by using sous vide and hollandaise is certainly no exception. It can be tricky for sure and while a few chefs do suggest that sous vide makes it full proof, it may not always be the case. Hollandaise can be made using lemon juice, egg yolk and butter within the help of a machine, shaking a couple of times. Unfortunately, it could be as difficult to work using it, just like it is prone to fall apart and it could end up looking unappealing.
Other desserts that can be perfectly made in sous vide
Pumpkin pie
For this, you will have to set the circulator to around 176 F and then you can divide the pie filling in around 4 jars. You could set it down inside a bath and allow it to cook for an hour. You could take it out; remove the lid so that condensation does not form while it is cooling. Around four hours should be spent on cooling this. For devouring, use some nice whipped cream.
Some of the most successful home cooks have said cheesecakes turn out the best when they are done in sous vide. The rich little pots of wonder are made just the way pumpkin pies are they don’t take longer than two hours and they are definitely amazing. Not only will the sous vide cheesecake is the creamiest and silkiest, but it will be one of the best things that you will eat. They come in small serving jars and they taste perfect.
So that is all we have for today. Do you have any special favorites when it comes to cooking? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below.