Seven Strategies for Promoting your YouTube Videos

For the past years, YouTube remains to be the most popular video-sharing platform on the World Wide Web.  Everyone loves using it because it has a wide range of audience, easy to manage, and can help you advertise for free.

But even so, this doesn’t guarantee success when you created a channel and post a video on YouTube. You still need to create an effective strategy and work hard to pull it off successfully.

If you have no idea on where to start, here are 7 strategies that can help you promote your YouTube videos without spending a penny.

7 strategies for promoting your YouTube videos

1. Provide an accurate title and description to your video

Let’s start with the simplest strategy, creating an accurate title and description.

The title and description is the first thing people see on your channel. Their first impression on you and your brand can easily be made just by reading it. If it’s good, they’ll watch the video. But if not, just hope that they won’t leave a negative comment.

This is the reason it’s important to compose a title and description that best describes the overall content of your videos. This is to ensure that you will leave a good impression on them and, at the same time, entice them to watch more of your videos.

Also since Google owns YouTube, you have to include niche-related keywords on your title and description as well. This is for your videos to secure a higher rank in search engine result page, making it easy to find.

2. Incorporate your videos

The best tools to use in promoting your videos are your blog and website. It has been proven that incorporating videos on blog and websites attracts more readers and conversion rates.

But, of course, before you incorporate your videos, you first have to know the ground rules. Some of these rules are:

  • Make sure that the video is 100% original and relevant to your niche,
  • State on the title that there’s a video included on the blog/website’s post,
  • Always place the video on or close to the top of the blog/website’s post,
  • And, include a short introduction or summary of the video.

3. Use a call to action within your videos

One thing you should never do when promoting your videos is to assume. Assume that people will automatically share, like or take any action after watching your videos.

This is a big mistake! Not everyone has the initiative to take action, especially if there’s no specific instruction included.

This is where the call to action becomes handy. Call to action is a form of statements that lead your viewers to the direction you wanted them to go. It can be any of the following:

  • Sign up for your newsletter,
  • Register on your website,
  • Or fill up a form to download an E-book.

Call to action is best placed at the end of the video. This is a good opportunity for you to keep your audience stay longer on your channel and watch more of your videos.

4. Share videos on social media channels

Other than your blog and website, the other online tools that you can use in promoting your YouTube videos (and can boost your conversion rate and ROI at the same time) are social media channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).

Each social media channels have a wide range of audience. So sharing the links of your videos to all that channels can maximize your exposure.

But before you share the links of your videos on your social media accounts, you first have to identify the right type of video-content to post for each social media.

Example: In Twitter, the most common video content posted on it are news related.

While on Instagram, commercial ads and tutorials are the most popular.

Once you determine the right content, you’ll able to customize each of your videos and post it on the platform where it will mostly be appreciated.

5. Get your videos listed

Not everyone has a social media account. There are some people who are just using the web for research or news-related purposes. For this reason, it’s important to get your videos listed on the major search engine as well, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo!

You’ll never have a problem with Google search engines because it works closely the same with YouTube’s search engines. But for others, you have to come up with a good SEO plan for your videos to rank #1.

6. Start promoting your YouTube channel

Not all promotional strategies can be done online. There’s, in fact, one strategy that is best to do personally (offline), and that is through word of mouth.

Promote your videos to the people you know or who care about you a lot – family, friends, clients, neighbors and so on. You can persuade them to watch your video(s) and share them on their social media channels.

7. Attract more subscribers to your channel

Applying the 6 strategies mentioned above can guarantee to attract more subscribers to your channel. But if it isn’t enough, there are more ways that you can do:

  • Consistently post relevant videos on your channel

Posting consistently is one way for you to show your audience how passionate you are about your craft.

  • Create a playlist

Creating a playlist is one way for you to organize your videos. It could be sort either by topics or genre. Also, playlists help your audience to find the videos they like easily.

  • Interact with your audience

YouTube is all about building a community. For you to achieve this, you have to consistently interact with others by commenting and subscribing to their channels.

And if you’re looking for the right camera to start your Youtube channel, Cameraseals will be able to help your with their reviews on Youtube cameras.

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