10 Common Myths And Misconceptions About Buying Diamonds

For centuries, diamonds have fascinated the human race. Men and women have always seen these precious stones as an expression of love and commitment. No wonder, diamonds are the most preferred among the gemstones used in engagement rings across different countries and cultures. They are revered for their amazing luster and remarkable physical attributes as well. With the popularity of diamonds come several myths and misconceptions which must be debunked if you are planning to buy these precious gemstones for your engagement ring or any other piece of jewelry. Let us demystify the amazing secrets about diamonds for you.

Myth #1: Any diamond will sparkle

If you believe that any diamond will sparkle, you may be taken by surprise. The shine of the stone depends on its cut because this is the factor that determines how its facets interact with light. The symmetry, proportions and polish of the diamond have to be perfect for it to shine. This is the reason that the precision in cut can make all the difference. It is to be noted that a poorly cut diamond will not sparkle as they should. So it is best to buy your ring or jewelry from a reputed jewelry brand that has master craftsmen working for it. At the same time, you should take good care of the stone to retain its shine and luster.

Myth #2: A bigger diamond is better in quality

Another widely prevalent myth related to these gemstones is with regards to their size; the bigger ones are considered to be of better quality. But the fact is that the quality is determined not only by size (carat), but three more Cs, namely cut, color and clarity. A big diamond may not be bright enough or may have some flaws and inclusions, which may lower its quality to a certain extent. Therefore, you cannot judge the quality of the diamond from its size.

Myth #3: Diamonds are very rare

Of course, these are precious stones and the high quality ones are not easy to find. But they are less rare than you may believe them to be. In fact, they are made of carbon and happen to be one of the most common minerals in nature. The rarity of diamonds is in the context of their quality rather than number. What makes the expensive and precious is the fact that only one-fifth of the diamonds mined are of gemstone quality. Moreover, the introduction of lab-cultured diamonds has made these stones less rare today.

Myth #4: Colorless diamonds are considered to be most beautiful

Colorless diamonds are rare and expensive but this does not mean that they are beautiful and brilliant as well. In fact, a colorless diamond may lack beauty and luster if it is not cut well enough. An average person, with minimal knowledge of the color grading systems of diamonds, can hardly tell any difference between a higher-grade and lower-grade gemstone when viewed separately. The color of these stones is a subjective characteristic and it is the personal choice of a buyer that makes them relate its beauty with color.

Myth #5: A round diamond is always the best

Even though round diamonds are preferred in terms of shape, this does not mean that they are always the best. Round shape is more feminine and delicate and is loved by a majority of women. Therefore, you will see that most of the women’s engagement rings have round diamonds used in the design. For men, on the other hand, masculine cuts like square, cushion cut and oval are more popular. You can check mens diamond rings from FrostNYC to see some latest diamond cuts and designs in men’s engagement rings. The shape of the diamond you want to buy should be according to your preference and does not make a difference to its quality.

Myth #6: Diamonds cannot break

Yes, diamonds are the hardest known substance in nature but this does not make them unbreakable. They can get chipped if they come across a strong blow at a specific point on the surface. Chips are also typically common at exposed points such as the tip of a pear shaped diamond. Those with certain cuts such as the princess cut are specifically vulnerable and need to be protected from blows and heavy impact. If you have a delicately shaped diamond ring, you should wear it with extra care.

Myth #7: Inclusions can cause diamonds to break

Another common myth about diamonds is that inclusions make them weak and can cause them to break. These are the characteristics that impact the clarity of the gemstone but do not indicate vulnerability. However, those which lie near a cleavage plane or another weak area may make the stone susceptible to chipping in that area.  If the diamond that you have chosen for your engagement ring has inclusions, just make sure that these are not placed close to any of the vulnerable spots.

Myth #8: Diamond fluorescence is not good

Though you may believe that diamond fluorescence is not good, the truth is that it hardly has anything to do with the gemstone’s quality. This is a natural characteristic that is seen in some stones and buying such stones is totally a matter of preference rather than price or quality. Almost one-fourth of the diamonds that come to the market for sale are fluorescent but this factor is not considered as one of the key parameters for quality grading. So if you are planning to buy a diamond that has this feature, you need not worry about the quality because it can be as good as a clear one provided that it matches the quality parameters.

Myth #9: Buying a diamond will cost you a fortune

Without any doubt, diamond is one of the expensive gemstones but buying one will not necessarily cost you a fortune. The best approach is to have a budget when you plan to buy diamond jewelry and look for the best quality diamonds that come within this budget. Knowing the four Cs of diamond quality bench marking can go a long way in helping you make comparison between pieces and finding the best ones. And even if you do have to spend a little more on diamonds, remember that they are forever, an investment that grows over time and an asset that expresses your love for that special someone.

Myth #10: Buying online is not the best idea

You may be apprehensive about shopping for diamond jewelry online because this is different from buying clothing or furniture. The idea of paying thousands for a product that you have not even seen might appear daunting but there are no risks if you shop from a trustworthy website. In fact, you may get some good deals online which might not be available at brick-and-mortar stores. Also, websites have easy payment options as an add-on service to economize the purchase for the buyers. At the same time, there are some precautions that you must take while shopping diamonds online. Choose only a reputed seller that sells certified diamonds because these will be always authentic. Check their return policy as well so that you can return the products if you do not like them enough.

With these major myths and misconceptions debunked, buying diamonds will probably get easier for you. Just remember that buying diamonds is like a long-term investment and a little smartness can go a long way in helping you own the best ones. Make sure that you always buy branded and certified diamond jewelry from a trusted seller. Craftsmanship is as important as the quality of these gemstones as it can enhance their value to a considerable extent. Happy shopping!!

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