For the past few years, the world has witnessed a new revolution in terms of becoming mobile and online and this has resulted in the paradigm shift in the marketing industry as well. For the millenials, it is all about creating pages on Facebook, tweeting about the related news, sharing the images of the product or service on Instagram and sending sale notifications or e Newsletter mails to the customers. In other words, the various channels that are being used for marketing purposes are evolving continuously.
Is that so? Is the online marketing sufficient enough to deliver the desired results that you have projected in front of the whole team? Has the traditional, offline marketing gone completely obsolete? Well, for many, the answer maybe is Yes, but ask the marketing gurus all over the world and they would gladly tell you that No, traditional, offline marketing is still there and is growing by leaps and bounds.
Yes, it can be said that online strategies are aggressive players while the offline strategies are defensive players. Businesses all over the world know the fact that there are millions of customers and pockets of untapped potential markets that are unaffected by your online strategies either due to lack of the Internet services or simply because they don’t know how to reach you online. And here is the point when offline marketing strategies come to your rescue. If you are here today to find some of the most cost effective and efficient marketing strategies, then we would give you ten offline marketing strategies that would make your brand the talk of the town.
#1 Stationary Documents
The different stationary documents are the perfect opportunity to let people know about your company, brand, logo and above all, the company’s website. But for this, you have to ensure that the websites’s URL is printed on all the documents that are being used in the office or leave the office premises. Now, some of these documents include:
- Letterheads
- Business cards
- Invoices
- Receipts
- Company stamp
- Address labels
- Faxes
#2 Content Publishing in Magazines
Content publishing is common for both the online and offline marketing strategies. The only difference is that in offline mode, you are going to publish the content in a magazine or newspaper with your website URL in the content. Magazine content gives you a definitive edge over the competitors as it is visually engaging and a specific group of customers are targeted.
#3 Promotional Items
The distribution of various custom promotional products is one of the most common, yet efficient strategy to promote your brand among the masses. As compared to other strategies, they have a strong and better impact due to their functionality and usability to the readers. Usually, these products have the company name, brand and logo printed on them that is a constant reminder to the user about your company.
#4 Business Cards
When it comes to the offline marketing strategies, the role of the business cards can’t be negated, especially in B2B dealing. People can easily forget your brand name or website URL when they simply hear about it. Doesn’t matter if they are going to deal with you or not, business cards give the potential customers a reason to think about you and your business and this is the beginning of another business relation.
#5 Sponsorships/Events
You don’t have to go over the top and sponsor a huge event; have a word with the local charities, youth clubs and sports club and sponsor their upcoming events. Getting involved with the local community and their activities is always a good idea for the marketing of your services and brand in a local area. For this purpose, you can always take the assistance of event marketing services.
#6 Cold Calls
These days whatever the interaction people are having with their associates, clients or customers as such, it definitely lacks the personal touch that is essential if you are looking for a long lasting business relationship. And for this purpose, nothing can beat the charm of good old cold calling. To ensure that you hit the bullseye, take care of the objective, timing and message to be delivered.
#7 Billboard Advertising
Not receiving the anticipated results from online ads? Then, try the magic of billboards and you will be astonished to see the spike in your monthly sales. With these billboards, people would see your product or services on a daily basis and there would be a natural inclination towards your brand. Though they are on a bit expensive side, the price is worth the results you achieve after a few weeks.
#8 Radio Advertising
If you want to advertise your product or service even before it is launched, then radio advertising is the best marketing strategy for this purpose. It is not only effective, but also budget friendly. Go for the radio station that caters to the demographs that you are targeting.
#9 Conduct Workshops
Conducting workshop, especially educational workshops and industrial visit are another sure shot way to promote your name among the prospective clients. The workshop should be based on the skills or knowledge that can be used on a daily basis.
#10 Word of Mouth
Last but not the least, no strategy can beat the effectiveness of word of mouth. Talking about your business, product and services are essential to boost the brand loyalty and gain new customers. Once started, you would realize the power word of mouth wields.
With that being said, these are the top offline marketing strategies that still hold their worth even in the times of digital and mobile marketing. Combine both of the strategies and you would get the combination that would reap you astounding results.