Are you feeling oily, greasy scalp all the time? Are you the one who is suffering from excessive itching in the scalp? Are you the one who suffers from dermatitis? If so, you probably have dandruff on your hair.
What is dandruff?
Dandruff is a dead skin present on our scalp. Dead skin, when it remains on the scalp for an extended period, can leads to itching, pruritus, redness of the skin, hair loss, and greasiness.
Dandruff is a widespread skin problem that has affected about fifty percent of the world’s population. Can you believe that annually, 60 million Americans suffer from dandruff, and when we calculate how much was spent – it amounts to 300 million.
How to cope with dandruff?
To date, dermatologists have done great in tackling dandruff. Various natural and synthetic products are available in the market to cope with dandruff. The most effective ones are manufactured, clinically-tested products.
By choosing the correct product, you’ve already beat half of the battle. Ingredients like cocamidopropyl betaine might work against your will. But we’re not here to discuss what products you should choose because your location might not have it.
Rather, we’ll present what kind of ingredients should you look for when picking an anti-dandruff shampoo to protect your hair from getting curly:
Baking soda
This ‘miraculous’ kitchen staple has been known for its ability to clean – you see it in many craft videos whether it’s cleaning agent, dental treatment, etc. Baking soda can:
- Exfoliation
- Anti-bacteria
- Anti-fungi
Baking soda is affordable, widely available and effective. Just apply it directly on where the dandruff is.
The research has proven that using baking soda over the skin can lead to dandruff removal in a couple of days. It should be used on the scalp and then remain there for approximately 15 minutes before washing the scalp with water.
Antibacterial and antifungal agents
Antibacterial and antifungal agents have an immense role in controlling dandruff. They not only control active dandruff but also prevent it from recurring. Finding shampoo with these agents are crucial to tackling dandruff effectively.
It is essential to leave them for a few minutes before washing them to get absorbed into the roots of the hair.
Recently, there’s the discovery of probiotics. These small bacteria can assist in eliminating dandruff. However, it’s generally believed that it’s only 5% effective.
They are available in the market in the form of capsules.
Mild exposure to salt water from swimming can also aid in eliminating fungi and bacteria from your scalp.
Fatty acids
You probably have heard about how omega-3 is important for your health. But chances are you’re not familiar with their dandruff curing properties (What can’t it do?)
Researches have proven that people who take omega-3 fattyacids seldom experience dandruff in their life. Omega-3 fatty acids have the ability tocleanse the dead layer of skin in your scalp. It is also proven that people who take omega-3 fatty acids rarely experience scalp scarring and pruritus.
Dermatologists usually prescribe one capsule daily to people suffering from dandruff.
Anti-inflammatory drugs also have proved beneficial in the treatment of dandruff. They inhibit the ongoing inflammation that causes dandruff.
According to recent research, aspirin once a day is a complete cure for dandruff.
It usually inhibits the pathways that lead to dandruff production. However, as aspirin is a drug,it is advised that you don’t start it without the prescription of a healthcare practitioner.
Aspirin is an essential constituent of many anti-dandruff shampoos and shows its effects by regular use of one month.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a beneficial ingredient in tackling dandruff. It has anti-inflammatory properties, scrubbing properties, and cleansing properties. Most dermatologists recommend apple cider vinegar because it is natural and readily available.
Though the research data is minimal for this ingredient, it is believed that people who mix one to two tablespoons of vinegar in their shampoo seldom undergo ailments like dandruff.
Cognitive therapies and antidepressants
Anxiety, depression, and psychosis are some of the most prevalent mental diseases. They lead to high stress levels, and eventually, there is a hormone rush. That hormone rush is responsible for dryness in the skin and dandruff results.
Stress indirectly is related to dandruff, and a dermatologist needs to rule out the cause and prescribe antidepressant medications and techniques to cope with the condition.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is the most successful natural product used in dermatological diseases. It has all the properties like anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hair strengthening, and hair nourishing. It is used widely by dermatologists in the treatment of dandruff. In the past, its juice was prescribed by a dermatologist. It is drinkable and can be applied to the hair.
These days aloe vera is readily available in the markets in the form of a shampoo. Researchers back the miraculous effects of aloe vera in vanishing dandruff.
Essential oils
Topical oils remain the mainstay of anti-dandruff treatment. We usually talk about mustard oil primarily because of its anti-dandruff properties and worldwide availability. Recently two new players have been added in the category of anti-dandruff oils – tea tree oil and coconut oil.
Tea tree oil has the properties of anti-inflammation, antibacterial, and exfoliating. It removes the dead layer of skin from the scalp and helps in the treatment of psoriasis, acne, and dandruff. It also promotes the growth of hair by nourishing its roots.
Like tea tree oil, coconut oil also possesses the same properties and is widely used to treat hair fall and dandruff. Research has proved that one month of regular coconut oil use helps you promote hair growth and prevent skin ailments. Both coconut oil and tea tree oil have been used as an active ingredient in shampoos.
Dietary changes
We all know about the importance of natural ingredients in our life. Similarly, these natural ingredients are very much important to make our hair free from dandruff. According to the recent data published in the US, people whose diet is enriched in walnuts, omega-3 fatty acids, and flax seeds tend to experience dandruff less likely.
We all are quite familiar with Biotin or commonly known as vitamin B. Biotin is a natural ingredient present in many vegetables. It not only strengthens the hair but also makes them strong and prevents unnecessary greasiness in them. One could even stay that it’s the life of a hair.
Good hygiene
Good personal hygiene is also very much important in coping with dandruff. Researches have shown that people who have the worst hygiene tend to suffer from dandruff and skin diseases more often. That’s why it is important to keep your hair clean.
Oiling should be an important part of your routine. Furthermore, many people do question the shampoo, yes anti-dandruff shampoo has more benefits than using ordinary shampoo.
Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid is an important constituent of many anti-dandruff shampoo. It is an anti-inflammatory agent which heals the scalp and prevents dandruff.
Dandruff is a severe ailment that can lead to hair loss in some people. It is essential to diagnose the condition as early as possible and take the prescribed medication.
Different products are available in the market that plays a vital role in the treatment of dandruff. They should be used as soon as possible if one is suffering from dandruff. In case of any irritation, it is mandatory to consult your health care practitioner.