5 Hurdles in Online Shopping: How Data Science can Fix It

Why Online Shopping on its Peak?

With the evolution of technology, people have become more sophisticated these days. They hardly find time to talk to each other in person, but they love to do it virtually.  From clicking selfies over the phone and shopping online, and getting cash backs and discounts on every occasion, with broad ranges of price and designs to get delivered at doorsteps, online shopping is at its peak.

But today, the online market is not limited to one shop, but they partner with many. And even the delivery system got better, safe, faster, and merely hassle-free. Something that draws more and more people to online shopping is festive discounts and grand sales for every occasion. And recently, COVID-19 added a cushion to it, driving it to the next level.

Advantages of Online Shopping

Advantages of Online Shopping

Almost all the sales happened during COVID-19, with contactless delivery and pre-paid cash, and delivery on time, online business is a boom for 2020. Where the whole world was in lockdown, and physical shops were off for months. It has forced us to shift more towards the digital world.

For online shopping, there are no space constraints. Other than a wide variety of products displayed on the website. And it helps the end-users to gain more information about the products and take action. One plus point here is customers can order their required product directly from home or the workplace. And even they can cancel it anytime, get the deducted money in their accounts in a day. How easy has become online shopping. Right?

Difficulties That Customers are Experiencing in Online Shopping

Customers Experience

Keeping the customer happy is the top-most priority for every business, or else your competitors will take the situation to their advantage. If you are not getting the number of sales; that you expect or the money you spend on the marketing campaigns. Then there could be two reasons why your campaigns are not converting. Either you need to rebuild your strategies or understand your audience better, and sometimes even both.

For filling the gaps that competitors make and come up with effective strategies, you can win them to turn the game to your side.

Lack of Dedicated Support


Supports make customers win trust, retain for a longer time. And cherish the journey of your business and brand. So if you provide better support and services, you own them. In business, there are tons of customers. It is highly impossible to cater the same support to all of them. Dealing with numerous customers and tons of customers is exhaustive for any business. It leads to consumer frustration when they have multiple choices, and they cannot finalize which one to go for, or often they feel doubt about products, they need assistance.

They wait and wait for some time, the assistance they get does not satisfy them. Once these customers are stressed out, they will never buy from the next time.

Too much Cumbersome Inside


In business and marketing, the processes are always cumbersome inside, the simple they look outside. Unless you get into the business, you never know what they are. From keeping yourself in their shoes, understanding their problems, and using psychology to find the best ways that work out for you, the whole system is quite a mess. All you need is dedicated people and trending technologies like data science, AI, ML to automate the complete process.

Boring User Experience

User Experience

Customers spend less time scanning a product or service that you are marketing. It’s even as low as five seconds to make your impression and persuade them to make a purchase. For that, your website and app need to be responsive and customer friendly. Using google analytics, you can understand buyers’ journey. Through heatmaps, you can analyze where customers are spending most of the time and how you can enhance the user experience for them.

Missing Detailed Information

Missing Detailed Information

Today business goes online to have a better reach and let more customers find it. They brand themselves and display through websites and apps. These apps and websites need regular updates and detailed information that many of the businesses are lacking. These websites and apps should be so advanced that customers can get hassle-free services with all the details they want to know before taking the next action.

Customers will never like to wait to make a purchase or call you for more information. They will switch from one website to another when they don’t find the details they look at before purchasing.

Vague Website Policies

Vague Website Policies

Every website has its own set of policies as per the business. Neither people read nor companies have genuinely written them based upon the firm. They copy it and upload the same on their website by altering the company’s name and date. Sometimes they update the vague words that are not relevant to the business.

So when customers find any difficulties, they complain and read policies on return, exchange. They found it vague and unhappy customer experience.

How Data Science can Fix Them

Data Science

Data science has a wide area of applications in online shopping. From collecting data using advanced methods and segregating using KNN classification techniques. Understanding customers more personally through statistical analysis; using advanced ML algorithms such as supervised learning and time series analysis to predict the future. And automate the various processes to provide a better user experience, the application of data science is everywhere.

Final Thoughts

With the application of data science, digital marketing, advanced ML, and AI to automate various processes, online shopping is booming. People are trusting more and relying on it for cashback on many occasions. Even they get a door to door delivery and better customer experience. Even they love referring when they get a bonus for it, as cashback.

Author bio-

Akash Praharaj is a creative content and copywriter. He is interested in trending technologies like data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence. His writing is a treasure of insights on the latest trends and technologies. Check latest blog about KNN classification techniques.

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