No matter how devoted you are to your job, as soon as you clock off, you’re ready to leave the long and stressful day behind. You start thinking about all the things you can do to feel better and unwind after what feels like ages at the office. You don’t have to rack your brain for long, as there are some foolproof ways that can rejuvenate your mind. This will make you feel calmer and ready to take on the rest of the day.
1. Draw a bath
Sometimes, after a hard day, all you want to do is sit at home and not see anyone. Instead of closing the blinds and letting the frustrations fester up while you’re motionless on the couch, you can do something that will satisfy both the need to be alone and the need to unwind. Drawing a bath is an excellent activity for both of these things.
Invest in some scented candles and spread them around the bathroom, then play some light music in the background. Pour yourself a glass of your favourite wine and sink into a warm bath full of relaxing salts.
2. Get physical
After an especially hard day, it seems like nothing you usually do to relax is enough. There’s this pent up energy and frustration that you can’t seem to get rid of. No matter how long you watch your favourite show or who you call up, it’s just not going to go away. After days like this, it’s best to engage in some form of physical activity. You should go jogging, workout at home, or at least go for a long walk in the brisk evening.
Getting out your frustrations physically will help your body process the accumulated stress. It’s also known that sweat gets out the toxins for your body, making you feel more energized and happier after a good workout. The best part is that there’s an exercise for everyone. Whether it’s something low intense like swimming or cycling, or something hardcore like HIIT or going to town on a punching bag, it’s bound to help you unwind completely.
3. Go to a trivia night
Evenings are great for trivia nights at the local pub. If you’re from Australia, the night is most likely to be Friday, as everyone knows the best trivia nights are held at the Miranda RSL Club. There’s nothing more fun than showing off your knowledge with a few friends and laughing the night away. Your troubles are bound to drown in a glass of high-quality beer, leaving room only for the competitive and fun atmosphere to take hold of you.This is the perfect activity to start the weekend on the right note. Because you don’t have to work the next day, you’ll be able to fully relax and strengthen the bonds of friendship that you have.
Trivia nights are the perfect settings to catch up and let the crew envelop you with funny stories. You’re bound to learn something new about everyone because of the variety of questions. Some new inside jokes are surely going to form, too.
4. Go off the grid
We’re constantly being bombarded with information, especially at work. The last thing you should do when you get off is climb on social media. Aimlessly scrolling through your feed and replying to texts isn’t going to de-clutter your mind one bit. No matter how hard you may think it is, you should turn your phone off.
Let the time you have off work be just for you. You’ll avoid streams and streams of useless info that just makes you crazy. Use this time offline to focus on other things like nature, or even just reading a light book.
Whether you end up drawing a bath or going out with your friends, or anything in between, you’re bound to feel more like your old self and enjoy life without the stress once more. It’s important to have at least one activity which de-stresses you a day. That’s the only way to ensure you won’t be burnt out or tired, thus keeping up with your work tasks without a problem.