Travel Secrets to Know Before Your Next Trip

Research Your Flight & Plane

Before booking your next flight, do some research? In most cases, every flight has a pre-assigned plane. Finding out your flight number will also give you the details about the plane. Here’s where it gets interesting. Knowing the layout of the seats allows you to make a better pick based on your needs: closer to the lavatory, more room leg, wing seats, etc. Where plane and seating information is not available on the airline’s website, software like SeatGuru or SeatPlans are great alternatives.

Buy Plane Tickets on Tuesdays

A lot of rumors have it that Tuesdays are the best days for purchasing flight tickets. According to these rumors, the cheapest flight tickets can be purchased on Tuesdays after 3:00 p.m. This is known as the “golden hour”. Unfortunately, this information should still be treated as a rumour. In order to ensure you get the cheapest ticket, follow the airline closely for a couple of weeks. You can note down the price ranges for the same flight and compare them for each day. As a general rule, flight tickets will always be cheaper during the week and more expensive during the weekend.

Enable Private Browsing

Internet cookies are a powerful source of information, especially for airlines. While a cookie usually provides general information, such as shopping cart information or current browsing session, it can also track your browsing habits. Airlines have used cookies in the past to increase the prices of various tickets based on the amount of time a user has visited their page. There have been numerous reports of such practices, so it’s better to stay on the safe side. Private browsing doesn’t store cookies, allowing you to safely buy a flight ticket at the lowest available price without having to worry.

Roll, Don’t Fold

You have lots of clothes but limited space. This is something that each one of us has gone through at least once in our travelling experiences. Your travelling bags can be anywhere from a small cabin bag to a giant checked luggage. However, you don’t have to get a massive 80-inch bag just to fit everything you need. Instead, you should roll your clothes instead of folding them. This takes up less space and will allow you to store more clothing items in the same amount of space.

Pick the Best Locations

You can’t party forever. Or maybe you can, depending on where you’re headed. We can have a car rental with an experienced driver because it was our driver who, with the help of the agency managed to gather information about places to visit. It wasn’t their job but they still helped us out. 

Reasons to Travel

If you have ever thought about travelling abroad, and not quite found the motivation you need to book those tickets, get ready to grab your passport and be inspired to go with our top ten reasons to travel abroad.

1. Gain Independence

If you are starting out on the path of life, even moving out of home can be a little daunting. Make the transition easier by travelling first. By traveling anyone can learn to be resourceful and work things out on your own. A great lesson in independence while seeing the world.

2. Real Life Education

You may have seen other countries and cultures on the tele or the internet, but nothing compares to seeing places in real life. Be prepared to learn more than you ever knew possible when you step into other peoples worlds; some will make you laugh, others will make you cry.

3. Meet New People

Ok, you can meet new people close to home, but to truly expand your horizons why not head to another country to make some new friends? The world is your oyster as they say so go find like-minded people and enjoy.

4. Leave Possessions Behind

When you travel, you realise that material possessions mean a lot less than we tend to think, and family and friends are what really matters. Enjoy leaving your stuff behind for a while, and maybe declutter when you get home and realise how much you have.

5. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Travelling is sometimes scary, heading into situations you know nothing about. Well, it turns out the stepping out of your comfort zone is actually really good for you, so give it a go. See how other people live and experience their lives, it might make you grateful for your own or determined to make changes.

  1. Learn a LanguageIt is always good to learn a new language, it exercises the brain and encourages you to do even more of that all-important comfort zone stuff. What better place to practice than with native speakers?

    7. Try Something New

Cruise ships are a great way to see the world, and give you an opportunity to move between several locations while travelling in style.

8. Stay Healthy

Travelling is considered good for the health as you relax and release the stresses of daily life. Give your immune system a break and head to the nearest beach for some R and R.

9. Celebrate

If you have just finished your A levels or perhaps a degree what better way to celebrate. Getting married or divorced? Got a new job? Whatever the occasion travel is a great way to celebrate.

10. Because Life is Short

Life really is an unknown period of time, so as with all life-based advice, live it! Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today, so make those plans and get out there, you never know how long anyone has on earth so be happy and explore.

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